Invited speaker AtC-AtG 2023
Susmita Saha
Ashoka University, India
Asia and Pacific
Magnetization dynamics and micromagnetics
Presentation title
Spinwave dynamics in 2D magnonic fractals
Dr. Susmita Saha is working as an Assistant Professor in Physics at Ashoka University, India since 2022. Her research topic is spin wave dynamics in various magnetic nanostructures and thin films. She received her B.Sc and M.Sc from the University of Calcutta, India. Then she completed the Ph.D. from S. N. Bose National Center for Basic Science, India in 2016. After that, she did postdoctoral research at ETH Zurich, Switzerland, and received ETH Zurich Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship award, funded by ETH Zurich and Marie Curie Action people COFUND program. In 2020, she joined Uppsala University, Sweden, as a postdoctoral researcher. She received Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Individual (MSCA) Fellowship for two years of postdoctoral research in Poland, funded by European Union, and SONATA research grant as a principal investigator, funded by the Polish Research Funding Agency. She also received Ramanujan Fellowship. In 2022, she received SERB-start-up research grant and AXIS extramural research grant as a principal investigator.