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Diego Rosales

Institute of Physics of Liquids and Biological Systems, Argentina

Region: Americas

Field: Spintronics

Presentation title: Magnetic Skyrmions and the Role of a Chiral Spin Liquid to Enhance Their Stability in the Presence of Thermal Fluctuations


Diego Rosales is an Independent Researcher in the National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET), as well as a Professor at the  Faculty of Engineering, at the National University of La Plata (Argentina). His research focuses on topological phases in magnetism, spin liquids and and unconventional phases of matter. In the last few years, his work has been centered on antiferromagnetic skyrmions and exotic skyrmion phenomena. He received his Ph.D degree in Physics in 2010 in quantum magnetism from the University of La Plata, Argentina. After that he did a postdoc at the Commissariat à l'énergie atomique, Grenoble, France financed with a Université Joseph Fourier fellowship. In 2012 he obtained a permanent position as a researcher  in CONICET. Since then, he has lead several projects on topological phases in frustrated magnetic systems, supervised graduate students and  participated and organized numerous national and international scientific events.

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